Hi! My name is Herbert Peters Jr., but you can call me Herb.
I am a musician from Richmond, Virginia. I am currently pursuing a career as a
music producer/audio engineer and as a music executive. I started out playing
the drums first in my home church; there would always seem to be a direct
connection with the people who took part in the musical experience.
As I grew as a drummer I started to play cymbals in a
marching band in high school. This is where I fell in love with bass guitar in
pep band in high school. It was just an instrument that nobody wanted to play,
but I did. I went to a middle school sometime back where I would walk to a
local music store and play around on the instruments until my mom came and
picked me up. During the visit to this music store one day I picked up a bass
guitar and automatically fell in love with the instrument.
Then came college life where I took a music theory class
from there I started playing piano because that’s what we use in the class.
Never thought I would end up playing this instrument. Now I’m here at AI looking
to advance myself with audio engineering curriculum.
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